WEEK 5 – MKMMA – I’m so opinionated

Ok … so for all the “reds” out there you are going to understand what I’m saying … all the blues (Nurturing, caring with all your stinking “feelings” ) will think I’m nuts.  But quite frankly this “NO OPINION”  thing has been really hard!!!

For one thing the world moves too slow.  everyone makes decisions too slow, they drive too slow, they talk to slow.  If we just cut they crap and listened when I gave my opinion then the world would be a better place.  Its not about me mind you, its just that I know whats best for everyone and I have your best interest at heart.  I genuinly want things to go better for you, which they would if you just listened to me.

Ok … Maybe that was a bit too much, but that is whats happening inside the mind of a 65.6% RED.  The great part of this exercise is I am starting to see the light.  That I am in fact way too opinionated.  I offer it without being asked, and get frustrated when I’m not asked.

The biggest “ah ha” moment is when I hear my inner voice speaking while others are talking to me.  I’m already formulating an opinion before I’ve heard them out.  I should at least hear all of the crap and feelings they are babbling before I’ve come to a conclusion 🙂

Even while I’m writing this the alarm I set on my iPhone to go off every hour that says in big bold letters “NO OPINIONS” is a reminder that this will be more than just a one week exercise.  That the magic behind these suggestions from our MKMMA is that we become aware of our strengths and the areas that need improvement.

I would love to talk about your feelings BLUE’s I want to hear what you have to say.  But please …  for the love of all things … can you speed it up a little .

7 thoughts on “WEEK 5 – MKMMA – I’m so opinionated

  1. Oh my goodness…..I love this blog!! My husband is a red and you guessed it I’m ….blue. I had to read this to him and we both thought it was hilarious. What a wonderful use of humor.

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